• » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]I Confess :[/b] [quote][b]1.[/b] I'm so excited for school. It starts on June 15. But I'm kinda' nervous because maybe my friends have changed & I think it's gonna be really hard in the HighSchool life. But no worries, It may be fun this comming S.Y. Maybe we can solve mysteries. LOL~ Haha.. & I'm excited because our school will be in a different location. I saw it yesterday & it was amazing. The court is very very big. & The school is very clean & brand new. I can't wait to go there, but us HighSchool + Intermediate students will stay first at the Old location. Sigh.. Too bad. Heehee.. Wish me luck. Gulp. [b]2.[/b] I was kinda' pissed the other day, I'm sorry to say, when I read one post in the thread [i][url=http://theftalk.com/t35031-p3-Why-won%27t-we-just-get-along%3F.html]Why won't we just get along?[/url][/i] because a member thinks that us GTroopers are copycats & imitators. That kinda' hurt me because the person who said that is my friend here in Ftalk. I disagree about what that person said because we didn't have any plans of imitating or copying they're group & we didn't do that on purpose. It wasn't our fault because we didn't know that they will think that way. & Sorry to say this but, Going to be mad just because of a caption or whatever? I mean, It's just a small problem/incident but they will get mad. What's that all about? But I'm not thinking of fighting with them or hating them, I'll never hate anyone here in Ftalk, It's just that I don't want any war here just because of a small reason. Sigh..[/quote] [b]Sorry for some harsh things I've said.[/b]
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ that's why we decided to change our caption n lng so there will be no war or wateber. :| and aww.is that an incident~? :rolleyes: i dun think so :rolleyes: :rolleyes: -- i confess im watching LOST. im currently watching episode 6 of season 4 [img]http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/69.gif[/img] i confess that i won't edit my post in the ftalk crush thread =D [spoiler]ate push ammf labz dw? wuts~ :lol: [/spoiler]

Last edited by bratinela01 (2008-06-10 11:42:19)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ Lulz. Good, there's no need to edit it, sis nela. =D:thumbsup: ( Baby Push: :eh: :/ :penguin: ) I confess that I had a good time this evening. I was surprised one of my friends got online, it's rare to see her there, lulz. Anyway... I'll be buying school supplies tomorrow (hopefully) and I dunno who'd go with me. And I have to wake up early again and I have to miss another episode of my fave tv show and won't be online for a long period. *lol joebz take a break from your PC* :|
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^^ waaaaaaaaaaa even here?? :o wutda?:lol: I confess [spoiler]I wana confess this so much but i cant..not yet..i guess :lol::lol:,,hmm I was really uhmm how do u translate "KINIKILIG" with the story i always read in the literature section..weee!! dan and raine are soo perfect :redface::redface:, I wish i can find my own dan...wahahahaha..*hoping hoping hoping* :lol:, I really like the stowy and i cant find any holes in it (holes meaning questions in it or incomplete stories in it..anyway, its effing good) waaaa im really lazy making another accnt in diaryland eventhouhg i wana cause me have many things to write.. [b]I confess I miss my 3 frends :crybaby: , S, D and J I miss you guys and I love you very very much!!..I miss having confes with u 3..i miss you guys!! i really doo...=( I MISS YOU GUYS!![/b] I confess im kinda happy right now..kinda i think..:P and I also confess that i wish that NELA AND JOEBZ would edit their post :lol:, but its ok for me :D:P[/spoiler]
_vanilla_ O_o
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]I confess..[/b] :arrow: that im addicted to Hikki's Boulevard of broken dreams.. i've been listening for that song for 3 consecutive days.. :arrow: that i miss my ex and i'm getting jealous! :arrow: that i'm getting a really weird feeling and starting to worry about someone.. :arrow: and that i really need a [b]hug[/b]! let's start a hug campaign.. :lol:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess that he ignores me.., and the scary part is im gettin used to it.., i dont want to lose him.., but im not yet ready for reconciliation.., maybe in God's time.., :penguin:
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess I really really hate the virus in MSN :angry: I also confess i was heartbrokn by Nela and Joebs's post :(
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess it sucks being cursed see.. a day being cursed sucks.. only a day and im feeling bad.. so i took the opportunity to say sorry to our fellow MOD here for insulting him.. specifically EmoKid bro thnx for the chance.. -(Tip guys dont mess with the rules..You dont always get a chance)-
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess im not well today, i feel so many pain, physically and emotionally and mentally:lol:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

Confess i hate everyone here in our house. they are so annoying. --- [quote=lucknskill]I confess i don't have a clue about my schedule 2mrow..:lol:[/quote] Haha! same here kuya bob. we don't know where to go yesterday because we don't have a schedule yet. ;)

Last edited by aRies04991 (2008-06-10 21:27:23)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess that: [spoiler]We decided to have a cool off. =| I talked to him this morning at school. He admit it, it was linked to another third party. He found someone else and still needs some time to decide. I gave him time to decide and whatever it is, I will finish it. I hope I have strength to conquer what ever may happen. =([/spoiler]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ that's terrible i guess... well if im in your situation... i will... "kill him" ahahaha nwei goodluck to you girl nwei just look at my siggy to remind you of...:D ---confession [spoiler]he made me feel like he's not changed... i want to be with him, he knows that i can't and i feel bad when he tells me about fling thing... but i still care for him... a lot...[/spoiler]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ ^ [spoiler]yeah, i am having difficult time dealing with it. Anyway thanks for the comfort siz.. I appreciate it soo much :)[/spoiler] I confess that I am having a good time on line and with my friends inspite of the problem I have. =|
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ ^ just have a good time sis... fate is really playful. :D i think you have many good friends to cheer you up... ----- i confess he's so confusing... he want me to tell him that i still love him. he knows the answer anyway. but my situation is so complicated for both of us... he knows how i feel for him yet he keeps on hurting me, for your info, im jealous of them all...
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ ^ [spoiler]aww... i hope i can help u siz.. if u need someone i'm here.. tc! :D[/spoiler] I confess that: [spoiler] I confess that I am with my bestfriend today who came from guam. I really missed her sooo much.. Too bad she has to go tomorrow. But at least we had a chance to see each other again and have a girl to girl bonding.. I am happy with dat! :D [/spoiler]

Last edited by gLoOo (2008-06-11 05:54:40)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[b]I confess that I talk to myself sometimes but not in the matter that seems really crazy but rather talking to myself like I'm clearing a vague thought in my mind. =) I confess school is pulling me from FTalk. I feel so bad. :( I hope I get more chances to log in. I confess that a girl in Club Penguin once tried to be my girlfriend. I dumped her and told her she's freaking me out. I confess that I do not know how to cover books with plastic cover. :retard: And lastly, I confess that I always like to watch Cartoon Network at all times. Even how old I am. :lol:[/b]
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[quote=Deviantangel1995]I confess that I talk to myself sometimes but not in the matter that seems really crazy but rather talking to myself like I'm clearing a vague thought in my mind.[/quote] I talk to myself, too. But not only when I'm trying to sort out my thoughts but also in weird ways. I talk and move around with invisible people when I'm alone. Does this sound liek normal stuff to you? :retard: I confess I had a grouchy day. I don't liek this day at all. It felt awkward to see him. I got pissed off with one of my classmates whom my friends call "know-it-all"... :evil: Heh, liek I care if you've seen all DN live-actions or downloaded the newest Jpop songs into your mp3 or burned all 39 episodes of KKM season 2--what do I care, I don't care at all, I didn't even ask, so go find a wall or something! *cough, gomen nasai =.=*

Last edited by joebz (2008-06-11 07:40:51)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

i confess that: #1: [i]i really find it hard to mingle with my new classmates. uhm, i dunnu what's wrong with them why they are so mean. :paranoid:[/i] #2: [i]talking 'bout school, i really [b]hate our classroom.[/b][/i]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^that's becoz u're in a a new class,sis~after some times u'll get used to that. =) i Confess this day i've watched DVDs for 11 hours aka 5 movies....geez..i hope nothing gonna happen to my eyes..
Shim Oo-Ma
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

^ 11 hours as known as 5 movies? Huh? Edit it oppa. -- [b]TOPIC[/b] I confess that i just ROTFLMFAO while watching the misheard videos :lol: 1000000x
  • » [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

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