^^ waaaaaaaaaaa even here??


I confess
[spoiler]I wana confess this so much but i cant..not yet..i guess

,,hmm I was really uhmm how do u translate "KINIKILIG" with the story i always read in the literature section..weee!! dan and raine are soo perfect

, I wish i can find my own dan...wahahahaha..*hoping hoping hoping*

, I really like the stowy and i cant find any holes in it (holes meaning questions in it or incomplete stories in it..anyway, its effing good)
waaaa im really lazy making another accnt in diaryland eventhouhg i wana cause me have many things to write..
[b]I confess I miss my 3 frends

, S, D and J I miss you guys and I love you very very much!!..I miss having confes with u 3..i miss you guys!! i really doo...

I confess im kinda happy right now..kinda i think..

and I also confess that i wish that NELA AND JOEBZ would edit their post

, but its ok for me
