[quote=eehjhay]I confess that I will leave FriendsterTalk. This is my last night here thanks to emokidd.

[b]Since you've made your final decision on leaving this forum and this is wiil be your last day here at Ftalk..Let me have this chance in thanking you for being a good moderator in this forum...We members don't care in what your experiencing in real life now...It's your effort in helping others and being a good moderator that counts... You were always there to help us and not be selfish and superficial unlike others out there.. There's no need to know the full story.. We members don't care on what really happened... I myself seen members being abused and looked down in this forum...[/b]
[b]I confess that i spend most of my time at The Cradle...aside from hanging out with my true friends at the Rockstars egroup, i have true friends at The Cradle too..It's really fun hanging out there.. Simply "Eutopia"... There's no gap between our friendships there, no pretensions, no superficial people....Mod or newbie, everyone treats eachother equally and with respect there.. I'm more active there and I love it there

[b]I love my co-rockstar members

Last edited by Angeli_7 (2008-06-08 12:22:44)