[spoiler][quote=kristina16]aight i confess siz chariz made my day..coz of her request thread at css lays sec.. thnx so much siz... though i know its not yet done..im so excited and really happy...
i confess that im now diggin take a bow - rihanna and im yours - jason mraz..[/quote]
[b]Wakokok .
Hihi , really ? X3
I'm currently making your banner ate .
Err , I added the color gray 'coz there's skulls in it , the banner looks awkward without the color gray . Oh well .
I'm not sure if you're gonna liek it though . >_____<[/b][/spoiler]
[b]I confess I lost my contact lenses . Eek !
Mom's gonna kill me . x______X
I think I've lost my mind already .
That's all ! Gotta find those stupitt lenses !