I Confess..
I'm so pissed because one of my friend in the real life, I mean EXfriend keeps on copying me in FS. Almost everything I have, she copies it. *Sigh.. & I don't know why she keeps doing that. Then when I was online in YM, she asked me if I wanna be her friend again & she begged too, I pity her that time so I said yes. Then after that, She said that she wants to request a graphic from me, I said I was busy but she kept on forcing me to do it, so I got a bit pissed about & I just said yes to let her stop, then when I was done with it, I PMed the code to her in FS. But she said that I should be the one who will put it in her Profile. I got so angry at her. Then when I disagreed she didn't use that graphic!! Arrgg.. She's totally demanding & rude. She doesn't even know that it was so hard to do her request. *Sigh.. To tell you the truth, I wanted her to die that time. Not really die but like to make her stop doing this to me, she totures me almost all the time.