[b]I confess[/b]


I saw Eric Santos in person today
... as usual I got humiliated when I suddenly said [sup]*out loud of course*[/sup]
[quote]me: "hey look that guy looks like Eric Santos" [sup]*points at dude and starts to LOL"[/sup]
people: [sup]*looks at the person I'm pointing to*[/sup]
Shaine [a friend]: "[i]gaga.[/i] Thats IS Eric Santos"
Eric Santos: [sup]*looks up to see what the commotion is about*[/sup]


[sup]*seriously I ran*[/sup][/quote]
Apparently he's taking up a course in CEU. [sup]*I heard students from CEU gushing about it*[/sup]

I bunked fitness today. No use being there since I'd still be marked absent cause of the incomplete uniform... + they haven't started lessons.

[b][i]I talked to Bass's cousins... they called him up... he didn't answer ... I made a long distance call to his parents ... they're worried... He's been gone for 16 hours.

... I hate this.[/i][/b][/spoiler]
[b][i]I cant help but feel bad. If I hadnt... then he wouldnt have...

Last edited by fis.ms (2008-06-25 07:43:33)