I confess.
[spoiler]I'm soo ubeer happy cuz finally after 100 years (lulzwut), he gave me his first fansign.
Sankyuuu soo muuch hunney~ <33
I've banned a member (teh username = anjingloe) who flamming in fti. Sayonara Zetsubou Inu~
I've done something for my friends. And I'll miss them if they go to Bandung.
I despise those animu-haters. If you never watch animu, then just stfu.
Fyi, I dun see any rules here which prohibited teh member(s) to post any image. Did teh rules change?[img]http://i26.tinypic.com/2ihryg2.jpg[/img]
I ever showed to "[s]my grandpa[/s]", a thread which consist of my image post. And he wasn't offended but he LOL'd on that.
Gee gee~ [b]Note[/b]: Grandpa = A***n (Don't kill me for this. XP)
And last thing, I dislike overreact people who always take any kind of matter/thing too personally. [img]http://i30.tinypic.com/10pt7yf.jpg[/img]
And those bossy people. Mm. Talk to psychiatrist.