--Start Of Confession--
I confess..
[spoiler]Suddenly Im liking wearing color red shirts!,, I mean, i like my shirt now.. i dunno why

I confss also, Ive watched the movie [b]The devil wears prada[/b] for the 3rd time now,,i think this is one of my fave flicks..though i alredi watched it, I cant help myself watching it agen

I confess also that tomorrow id be out..Id be going to school

,,I'll be going there to talk to the principal sumthing that my rents planned for me

, I kinda like it consdering the fact that i wont be in school always..But id still be going in and out ofcors,,not jst regularly though..And Ill still be ol hahahaha..hmm though i might be that busy enough alredi,, I have to prepare..
I also confess, I heard my dad and my mom talked bout our Hong Kong trip this Sept

, I dunno know if its final or watever they alredi talked bout,, I just heard them talking how much it'll cost to go there and to australia too..

,, I dont wana get my hopes high for this..But my dad discussed this one with us alredi, and He told us, we wont stay in australia..We will jst be there for a month

,,hmmm, i dont wana celbrate my birthday there..so i guess its fine with me

Waaaaaaaaaaa Its 4am alredi!!

,Time flies when ur confessing hahahaha..
I also confes.. I

[i]him[/i] soo much!!,,always have,always will!

--End of Confession--