オメデト( ^_^)∠※PAN!。.*:・'゜☆。.:*:・'゜★゜'・:*\(^O^)/ atarashi i yu^za^ mei noo iwai wo nobe ru!
I told admin to change your username 2 days ago.
He was asked me "What is Smexy?".Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
Anyway. imy.

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Confessions start here ・・・・・
[spoiler]☆ I'm a lolicon. lolwut. ||||||(_ _。)|||| Nah. But i rly loev loli chara. and mo3 for sure. >:3
☆ I missed everyone in the confe. Esp. [b]my husbie lulu-sama[/b] <3! imysb!
☆ I'm addicted to some fellow anime-bloggers now. I read their blogs everyday. ━━( ̄− ̄)━━(−_−)━━
And I enjoy it.
☆ I'm curious with Shirow's new personality on ducheszee's post. (・・?) [/spoiler]
・・・End here