[color=deeppink]I confess[/color]..
[spoiler]Today,My crush is totally looking at me everytime in teh farm.I was like,What the heck?My classmates are there and his,too.My cousin was also there laughing like something funny is going on.Then he suddenly asked,"[i]Miss,Can I talk with you [s]privately[/s]?[/i]".Then I was lol-ing.So I said"[i]Yes,Why not?"[/i].Then all mine and his classmates left.lol.Then he asked,What is my name.And I replied my name.Then he really said this seriously....."[i]Who is your crush?[/i]".Then I said,"[i]Of course,my cuz said it to you right?I have a crush on you[/i]" and then he said he has a crush on me,too.And I was like

.Then I said quickly..Ok.Then when we were going out of teh farm,He totally followed me.

.I really had a wonderful day.[/spoiler]