I'm pissed--I never thought I'd get an effin zero in a math quiz.

I really suck at radicals. I just don't liek factoring them out and everything!
I confess that I'm starting to liek statistics instead although it may seem confusing sometimes.
I also admit that I'm not updated anymoar with what's happening with FTalk and Class-S and the karaoke confe's lol. I wonder about "Shirow's new personality"? >__> Hahaha.
Ummm I'm waiting for someone to go online.... Hopefully he'll get a chance to sit in front of his PC tonight. T_T I miss him, lolwut.
I haven't charged my cellphone for two days. Right now it still has one bar. O_O Freaking phone lol.
I'm a bit

when I visited the crush thread just now. *scratches chin* Has anybody noticed that most people are just copying/pasting their previous crushes...or something liek that? >_> I dunno why it's bugging me but who cares wth it's bugging me lol. NVM.
I also confess I'm nervous about our next CAT trainings. The other day I almost tripped because of my damn school shoes (the strap thing)... LOL good thing HE didn't see anything.
Last edited by joebz (2008-07-09 09:14:28)