[b]I Confess[/b]:
[quote][b]-->[/b] Taht I have somethings in common wit Bridget & Joebz. Huwee~ We hang out wit boys. Well, yah. It's true about me. I'm kind of boyish so I usually hang out & stay wit boys in school (True huh, not false). But well, sometimes I'm wit my gurplens in school but not mostly. We have a (barkada) group in school, me & my besplen are teh only girls & there are 4 boys (including my crushie (?)). Heehee, not lying here. Well, if euu will meet me, I guess euur 1st impression will be taht I'm Boyish. XP
[b]-->[/b] Taht I was kind of sad this day. I kept seeing my crushie (?) & his GF together. Ouch~! </3 It really hurts me. Then after they hung-out together, my friend wrote something on a paper & it says "I Love You; Fr. Donna" then she gave it to him but well, he didn't have any reactions, he was just liek kind of shocked & said "Okay". Then my friend told him taht I missed him so much because we're both not seatmates anymoer. Arrg, I hate herr! LOL, I really hope to become his GF. T-T </3
Well I'm not really something liek [i]kilig[/i] or liek acting girly or anything about it. Just staying normal, looking liek

? X3[/quote]