[b]JEANNA[/b] [spoiler]I drove me way to the beach around 5:30 to watch the sunrise. I was surprised to see *Mark sitting at the hoodie of his CRV. Heck.

He said 'Hi' and told me that if I'm going to watch the sunrise, I wouldn't see anything because (according to him which is RIGHT) it rises at the other side of the city. Nice one.

Stupid me. But seeing him at the beach made the gas and the "waking-up-early" worthwhile.

He's the best alternative to the sunrise. Hahaha.

I missed you too, by the way.[/spoiler]
-- I'm going to buy some stuffs later on at SM.
Geez. I'm not sure if we should pass our project
in a hardcopy or softcopy. I'll make two, just to
be sure.