[align=center][b]I confess that when I was in 5th grade our whole class hated this girl she was like the class b*tch sorry for the word but that's how they refered to her, so sorry. Anyway we had this project we had to do at school. My bestfriend (at the time) took the scissors of the class *you know what* and he showed to me along with our 2 friends, we went to the CR which was the next room to our classroom, my bestfriend put the scissors in the toilet flushed it a few times and he bravely took the toilet-water soaked scissors and told our other classmates, we played innocent and the 4 of us are the only people who know of this until today, we never really felt guilty cause we knew very well that she deserved it, but now she has changed and one of my close friends. Don't you just love happy endings? This is our little secret FTalkers.
