[spoiler][b]kaka aya[/b]
sshh.. ah ukei.. i'll keep the secret..

[b]I confess..[/b] I'm missing my hunney [b]Shirow-kun[/b] so bad..
[i]I'll wait here.. So if you come here, you'll find me --FFVIII[/i]
[b]I confess..[/b] For [b]Pete's Sake[/b]..
LSC aka GFC's list just added a new member.. [url=http://i27.tinypic.com/23jmqsg.jpg]*LMAO MAX*[/url]
[url=http://i29.tinypic.com/2evg8z9.jpg]Even Lelouch felt Uh-Oh.[/url]
[b]I confess..[/b] I found a [i]cute[/i]-truth..

[url=http://i30.tinypic.com/2upqmuo.jpg]This[/url] could be classified as a teaser-action.
Bang! Someone just got [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1208528158.png]pimped[/url]. Haha.
Here's I give a [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1207816084.png]penny.[/url]
Btw. This is a [b]confession [/b] thread.. Not a [b]HATRED[/b]-club thread..

If someone got a problem, just proceed here.

[url=http://theftalk.com/t4162-Got-a-problem%3F.html]Got a problem?[/url]
Got my point?
[b]I may close this thread again. :norose:[/b]