2008-05-08 09:32:18

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

[color=#089bce][b]i confess[/b] that nothing happened today and i was kinda expecting that something would But i guess [s]he[/s] really did [u]completely[/u] forgot all about me *sigh Maybe it's true that... [align=center]"Those who promise to stay are the ones who actually find it easy to leave us. Same is true with people who say they genuinely love us but they don't know what our real worth and thus take us for granted" How sweet... their [b]lies[/b] are.[/align] [/color] [b]On a side note -- I will confess my thoughts with these confessions.[/b] [spoiler] [b]First Quote[/b] [quote]What the hell is wrong with you two? Specially you yuna. You're not like that before. Look at yourself again. We're not perfect. It's ok to express your feelings but you are so different than before. Many people miss the yuna that they knew before.[/quote] [b]Second Quote[/b] [quote]1st confession I confess that i'm missing someone. I always see him/her in the Chit Chat and Fun Corner before. Gawd, he/she was so kind that time. But now, what happened? He/She is complaining his/her own uneasy feelings to some members. When it comes to the person that he/she loves, he/she is so kind and he/she is almost showing his/her to him/her in almost every post. But when it comes to other members, gawd.... He/She is very different. I really miss the old one. Everybody miss the old him/her. Please come back.[/quote] [b]Third Quote[/b] [quote]2nd Confession [b]I was lauging so hard[/b] with Maddie ( :+:DoMiNiK 521:+: ) in the phone after seeing a post of Eejhay-Oppa [b]which we both are waiting for.[/b] [quote]What was that? Lol. hehe..[/quote] You know~ [b]Your reply to both of their posts[/b][/quote] If i add two and two together then these posts are interrelated with each other. [b]For the first quote:[/b] I agree that Yuna and Shirow are posting their thoughts and feelings rather harshly but this is the confession thread. Expect to read hate confessions, love confessions and such. This is a thread to vent out hidden emotions and such. I think it's unfair that you would say that to Yuna directly. [b] ---[/b] I can't understand why people wants the old Yuna back. First of all did she really change? How long do you know her to say things like that? Personally, I still find her kind and nice. I know nowadays she uses mean words to attack people but those words are directed to the stubborn members only - the trouble makers. Why the heck is she doing this? She's not doing it just because it's fun, or to display her influences -- she uses this to discipline members. There are also times that she would uses harsh words to the people that she hate, but i can understand that. [b]Don't we all?[/b] It's not like Yuna is the only person here who does that! [url=http://i26.tinypic.com/30igi7q.gif]*double[/url][url=http://i26.tinypic.com/20701z8.jpg]facepalm.exe[/url] [b]---[/b] [b]Second Quote && Third Quote[/b] Uma if you really miss that certain someone and wants him/her to get back to his/her old self then [b]why are you laughing at Eejhay's post?[/b] Do you think it's funny? And to think you have those words in your [u]first[/u] confession. That's so disappointing.[/spoiler] [b]I will add this. This is not an IM messenger so im editing my post here. please refer to the post below before reading this[/b] [spoiler] TRUE, i am defending Yuna but it's not that i didn't look at both sides. I do know how she post before and how she post now. (I may not post that much in the past but i do read) Lately she puts that ronery (the images) and i agree it is insulting/offending to other members (I find it funny though) I guess the level of what's "amusing" and "offending" is different to respective people So my dear ade Yuna, let's not use those ronery again awkie? As other people find it uncomfortable. ( Except for the trouble makers *evil laugh* do reserve it for them hihi) If it's not Yuna then why is Uma apologizing *scratches head [b]@Uma[/b] Don't worry too much, Yuna will not likely get mad because of this. She will understand. Yes you're still young and naive but keep in mind that even if people have the same sentiments as yours, it's still not a laughing matter awkie? bottomline: Like eejhay said "It's their prerogative". [/spoiler]

Last edited by forsakendoll (2008-05-08 11:59:53)

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