Haha. [b]1st Confession[/b]. I'm totally feel piteous about this thread.
It becomes an IM Conference again. [url=http://i28.tinypic.com/nv2yat.jpg]*facepalms*[/url]

[b]How to help.[/b]
1. [url=http://i25.tinypic.com/2cxiyoy.jpg]Do not post more than 2 times[/url].
2. Watch the universe being destroyed.
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!
2nd Confession.[/b]
Well. This is myself now. I loev myself now. At least, I'm not a fake person.
For those, who were complained about "We miss the Old Yuna"
I just want to tell you. If you are truly my friend, do not complain how I'd changed.
You have to accept all the way I am. That's the true friend. I ruled my own life.
I have a quote about this.
[quote]"Friend - a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection and loyalty."[/quote]
How long do you know me to say things like that?
Thanks for the attention. But I'm not asked for it and I will never do that.
You obviously don't understand and don't know about myself.
Let me make it really clear.
I am not reading any more of "I-Miss-The-Old-Yuna" Posts.
That means I will not RESPOND to any of their content.
They are talking to a brick wall.
Here's a visual aid for them.
Have Fun talking to that wall.
[b]Footnote [/b]:
And Oh yeah. I never [b]asked[/b] to click the links in my posts. [url=http://i31.tinypic.com/23jr055.png]lulz.[/url]