[sub]confession tym

i confess that im so bored that's y i decided to linger around FT & post hir n dis thread

ok serious...
i confess that i mssed my babes

i mean kambz & im so hapi dat she's bak online agen...tho im still bz wid my shit -y life

& im missing my birdie

letz get ur darn PC fixed... my palm misses u awredi

also confess that im hapi for my baby
i mean bezfren

coz he's hapi now... best of luck to the two of u
[sub] [i]prang weddng wish[/i]

[spoiler]last one...
i confess that i feel stressd coz of my real-lyf actvities & some OL things..
i jz hope things will clear up.
if onli dat can happen...things clearng up by themselves

i jz need somthng...jz let me know...im up for it...
im gettng used to dis kinda situation, but stil
i do need some clarfcation...

a mere sentence will do...
