@cutie: nope! i have no secret! if i have one, its confidential!

maybe u have one too!
i confess i love my haters hahaha... LOL([i]Pang Bakla![/i])
wula lng Love ko sila = Nothing i just love them! is it Bad to Love or masama ba mag mahal ang aso este TAO!

sorry TAGALOG at least i translate them! every single word!

i also confess i love snobbish people! they turn me on!
as if i want to get there attention!

KSP daw!
i want to play hard-to-get! who wants to play with me 2x!
nyeh nyeh nyeh!

i really like it! every time i hear people talking TAGLISH
i wanna laugh! some times i laugh at my self! crazy?!

like or example... baby baby i want dat [i]oh[/i] i want like dat!
buy me like dat, the "[i]Pula[/i]" one! baby i want [i]isaw[/i], but its so [i]"KADIRI"[/i]!
i like them!

dba girls?!