^ Agree to you. But it's too long just liek Narutard and Bleach. It's chapter 502 now!
But I still continue reading it.
I confess. .
[spoiler]Last night I sang on the confe. ;__; I confessed my voice is weird (isn't it?)
[b]Uma[/b]'s voice is moe. [b]Kaka[/b]'s, [b]Maye[/b]'s and [b]Joebz[/b]'s voice are good too. XD But I haven't heard [b]Clarechan[/b]'s and [b]Nela[/b]'s voice (singing). So today, both of you must sing. =d I would liek to hear ate [b]Shika [/b] and [b]Shirow [/b]sing too. XD
I was ultra lulz on the confe when my husbie made the catmon voice. It was totally funny. HAHA YES!. (you always know how to make me smile hunn
Aside of that, I confess. My hatred to my oneefags is incredibly high-rated! It was blew out two days ago. They are totally annoying. ' 'a
I'm gonna miss Shirowkun so bad. T_T Tomorrow will be his first day of college life.
Well. Goodluck and gambatte hunney~ ^___^ gin will always support lulu no matter what. I know you can stay alive there. Challenge them. *fufufu* XP loev <3333 you soo!!
And the most important thing is I have passed the National Exam. =d [url=http://i26.tinypic.com/jj1vo5.jpg]Just as planned[/url]. Why everyone scream so hard after received the letter.
Just scream but don't scream too hard. It's so gayish. </sarcasm>[/spoiler]
--edited i forgot maye XD gomen~ TT__TT
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-06-14 21:55:17)