[quote=사랑해요UmA_loVe사랑해요]bratinela01 wrote:
lucknskill wrote:
I confess i think i'm going crazy.
Pushnit, bratinela, ck..and more have the same ava and sig as forsakendoll.
i was like..omg o_o...bug?
' 'eMokIdD wrote:
^ Me too. I'm so confuse.
we are forsakendoll's fans lol
vote for her <333
Yeah yeah. <333
We're her fansss ...[/quote]
LOL I agree <333
We're all forsaken dolls. O_O
How many are we again? Six? Sixsakendolls? lol*
Confessions XD
[b]I confess I suddenly laughed hard just now[/b]
I confess I felt really awkward being a student leader for my assigned section O_o
I'm shorter than most of them---that's one reason. And my partner is doing no good either. He's new to being a student leader.

Gah, well I'm new to being a student leader as well but only in high school, because I've had experience in my grade school years...
Right now I'm very nervous about tomorrow. We're meeting our subject teachers and two of them--physics and statistics teachers--are our worst nightmares. One of our classmates took my previous seat, and so I have no choice but to sit at the far side of the room. Doesn't that girl know me enough to realize I am BLIND? LOL near-sighted, I mean...

Hopefully, the teachers won't have anything much to write on the blackboard, especially on the other side...
I'm working on two layouts right now that I started a few weeks ago

but since it's back-to-school time already I don't think I'll be able to finish them any time soon.
And what's gotten into me? I stopped watching RM and HNNKN for a while because I wanted to watch the other episodes of Daa Daa Daa. It's one of the first animu's I loeved. (childish thing, lol)

Last edited by joebz (2008-06-17 08:15:39)