2008-05-19 13:53:11

» FTalkAgent
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Re: [b]Can we put some confessions here???[/b] :| :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: [quote][i]added by eehjhay[/i] Please search for the word "confession" before you post your gibberish here. Don't be

I confess.. [spoiler]I need a shoulder to cry on, a real one!..I feel weird, I wanted this to happen, but no its here..Its just weird!..I wana cry..My sighs are jst long enough..why?! why do i feel this way!?when i alredi know that the feeling is gone..is totally gone..Am I scared to end it? Do i dont wana be alone?? dang, i ask myself that but i dont know the answer, someone told me to let go, and it ok, and i shudnt force myself..heck,I WANTED THIS to happen!..I dont plan on being forevr and evr with him, but i dont wana lose him..He means sumthing to me, 8 mnths of being there, chatting, txting..its sumthing so effing hard to let go..but the love is not there, maybe i just want him to be there..I dont wana lose him clearly,..or im scared cause i havent found the guy who can replace him..I DONT KNOW!! the feeling is gone..Im out of love alredi..but I still feel weird!..He wants us to erase evrything that may have a connection bet us..like he wants to erase eachother's existence from one another..dammit!,, I wana leave my cyber life now..and the effing o2 jam is stil downloading..thats why i cant leave..*sighs*, I wana sleep and wake up tomorrow to see my bestfriend in the hospital..I was worried cause she had a bleeding from the operation, I was worried sick since last nyt but im relieved now that she's ok, I wana see her so badly..I wana go there first thing in the morning and spend the whole day with her..I WANA FORGET BOUT MY CYBER LIFE FOR A MOMENT..its hard!..its not just bout him..theres sumthing more..I love my 3 ol buddies sooo much..I truly truly love them..and i dont wana leave them, but sometimes when its touger alredi..i jst wana let go and move along.. I love you guys, if u cud read this one..thats true.. I love u 3 and that'll never change..[/spoiler] [quote][b]Dont read this if u just wana know whats inside the spoiler, and if u aint got an effing clue bout wats in it..Dont read it if u just wana snoop around..Cause this is clearly not just a confession, its also wat im feeling..so if u jst wana open the spoiler and read it so u cud just wana know..then dont! Sorry but dont![/b][/quote]

Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2008-05-21 08:30:09)

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