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i confess that this world s really kinda turning-upside down.,
not jz for me but also for the pipol i know... i aint sure wat's really happening but i know it aint gud.
also, that hmmn, there's ths lyrics that kinda makes me think
[spoiler][quote]Ooh, the mistake I made is clear
We never should have been together
That's the reason you're not here
I know that I can do much better
Not a single salty tear
Not a feeling in my chest[/quote]
i jz feel i can relate...
i have so many thots yet few source of explanations.,
things r beginng to tire me out

i want somthing that i think i cant have...wel, not anymore
^^ at least that's how it seems
& i confess i hate being (so) dramatic

[spoiler]one last thing...
im feelng kinda disappointed with someone's actions lately...
i used to admire him somhow, coz he appears to b a respectable person...
but now, i think somthing changed him... hmmmn...
[sub][i]i rarely talk like dis bout a person.,that's jz based on wat i see[/sub]
[sub]im still obsrving

il tel u wen its tym[/i][/sub][/spoiler]
Last edited by sHy19 (2008-05-20 00:14:54)