I remember there was a mod who locked this topic because there are some members who spamming and make this thread become a YM conference.
I wonder why this thread isn't locked yet. [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1211412427.jpg]Something wrong?[/url]
Spoiler may hurt some people. So don't click it. I warned you.
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\ \ / \o/ | / \| |
\ \ / | / \ / \ | \
_____\__________________\_/____/ \ / \\__|_____
crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcr| ------_____/ ____ \crapcrap
crapcrapapcrapcrapcrapcrap|____ | |_|_| |crapcrap
[u]Just a tip[/u] : [b]Make a compile of your confessions before post it. [/b]
[b]I confess.[/b] I will have my university entrance test this morning. And I haven't studied anything.
I will have the Science and Social test too. Damn. I dun understand Social. Cause I'm in Science Class. lulz.
[b]I confess.[/b] I will miss my hunney soo super bad. I will miss everything about him if he gone. T__T Well hunney. Don't worry. I'll always loev you no matter what happen. <333 ^___^
[b]I confess.[/b] I smell [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1211412498.jpg]epic phailed[/url] plans here. Oh no. They should arrange it more better than this. And be brave enough [b]kid[/b].
[b]I confess.[/b] l337 is so fun. Only un-classy people didn't know it. Opz sorry.
* Step 1: Find fa9s
* Step 2: Kick them
* Step 3: ???????
* Step 4: PROFIT!!!!
* Step 5: ...... Wait... OH SHI-
[b]I confess.[/b] I have deleted the Black List group on my YM. They keep sending me [b]stupid non sense GM.[/b] even a Fake GM.

IDK about that. GTFO! I deleted them and make everyone who's not on my list [b]IGNORED[/b]! Now my life is peaceful.
Added confessions :
[b]I confess.[/b] There's a trap in a place and some people fell for it.
YOU can't do it. And if you are, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG?
YOU fail it (your skill is not enough)?
Congratz. Now have fun talking to the wall.
[b]I confess.[/b] I

cause I saw someone copypasta our method. Use link on the line.
Oh C'mon be more creative. [url=http://www.imagehustler.com/0408/1211416266.jpg]*unlimited facepalms*[/url]
[b]I confess.[/b] I dunno what should I call to a cheated person. Furfa99otry. Ah yeah . That's it!
Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-05-21 20:42:48)